Was ist Ketose?

Ketose ist ein Stoffwechselzustand, in dem der Körper Fett anstelle von Glukose als primäre Energiequelle nutzt.
Der Ketonspiegel dient als Indikator für den Fettverbrennungszustand des Körpers und bietet Einblicke in die Wirksamkeit Ihrer Diät- und Trainingsroutinen.

SiBio KS1 Continuous Ketone Monitoring System (CKM) - Real-Time Tracking, 24/7 Usage for 14 Days, Waterproof, No Fingersticks
SiBio KS1 Continuous Ketone Monitoring System (CKM) - Real-Time Tracking, 24/7 Usage for 14 Days, Waterproof, No Fingersticks

Was ist CKM?

Ein kontinuierliches Keton-Überwachungssystem ist Ihr ultimativer Begleiter für das Erreichen und Aufrechterhalten der Ketose. Mit einer ununterbrochenen Nutzung von bis zu 14 Tagen, Echtzeit-Tracking über eine benutzerfreundliche App und einer personalisierten ketogenen Ernährungsanleitung bietet unser kompakter Sensor unübertroffenen Komfort und Genauigkeit.

SiBio KS1 Continuous Ketone Monitoring System (CKM) - Real-Time Tracking, 24/7 Usage for 14 Days, Waterproof, No Fingersticks

Mühelose Einblicke in die Fettverbrennung

Mit dem KS1 CKM war es noch nie so einfach, mit der Fettverbrennungseffizienz Ihres Körpers im Einklang zu bleiben. Sie können Ihren Ketonspiegel jederzeit und überall mühelos überwachen. Egal, ob Sie zu Hause, bei der Arbeit oder unterwegs sind, der KS1 CKM liefert Echtzeitdaten, die es Ihnen ermöglichen, Ihre Gesundheitsreise zu optimieren.

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SiBio KS1 Continuous Ketone Monitoring System (CKM) - Real-Time Tracking, 24/7 Usage for 14 Days, Waterproof, No Fingersticks
SiBio KS1 Continuous Ketone Monitoring System (CKM) - Real-Time Tracking, 24/7 Usage for 14 Days, Waterproof, No Fingersticks
SiBio KS1 Continuous Ketone Monitoring System (CKM) - Real-Time Tracking, 24/7 Usage for 14 Days, Waterproof, No Fingersticks

Recommended By Real SiBio Users

Hear What Our Lovely Members Say

Juliana Rafael

I have been using Sibio CKM For a few months already, and it made such a difference in my life.

First of all, having to get blood from my fingers was such a pain! And most of all, it was kind of useless, because now with a constant ketone monitor, I can see how much my ketosis fluctuate during the day. I can have a pretty good idea of how much ketones are active, including during sleep. For me, more than just knowing, the best is learning, for example, I have learned that I can eat a sweet potato after salad and fish, and not influencing my ketone level, but if I eat if in the beginning of the meal, probably it will dramatically lower ketone levels. I am gaining so many more insights about food and how to keep optimal levels of ketosis.

Sven Braem

When I was wearing the CKM, it sparked my curiosity several times.

By seeing the ketones fluctuate up and down, I was mindful about what I did so that I could understand why it moved. This is such a great learning journey.

For anyone interested in metabolism, for any medical student, for any athlete or coach, for any patient. ketones can tell us a lot of what is going on in our body so I'm definitely a big fan of this sensor.


The ketone body β-hydroxybutyrate (BHB) present in the interstitial fluid consistently permeates the enzyme layer on the CKM sensor probe, and oxidizes to generate an electrical signal. Subsequently, the sensor transmits this electrical signal to the receiver, and ultimately, our proprietary algorithm transforms the signal into measurable ketone levels. As a result, the SiBio CKM app is capable of streaming your real-time ketone level.

A Continuous Ketone Sensor, is a vital tool for monitoring ketone levels. It offers accurate and real-time readings, eliminating the need for frequent blood sampling. By tracking ketone levels, you can optimize your ketogenic diet, ensure you stay in ketosis, and gain personalized keto insights for better results. The sensor is especially useful during exercise, helping you assess the impact of workouts on ketone production. With the SiBio KS1 Sensor, you can make informed decisions about your diet, exercises, and overall well-being. Stay on track with your ketogenic lifestyle and achieve your health and fitness goals with data-driven precision.

With extended 14-day continuous monitoring capabilities, SiBio CKM sensor tracks your ketone levels continuously, eliminating the need for painful finger pricks. This extended sensor ketone monitoring time allows for a more comprehensive understanding of ketone fluctuations day and night, providing valuable insights into your body's ketosis state.